My sEO guide for event marketing
Having a healthy SEO strategy for your event is critical for success-reaching that target audience that you invision at your event!
Here is a quick SEO guide for event marketing. I hope you find it straightforward and helpful!
- Make sure the event name is the first thing in your site’s homepage title tag and headline on homepage (eg. Los Angeles Tea Fair)
2. Add the event to your Google My Business profile. Here is a link for more info on how to set this up:
3) Make sure your site has a few pages of unique content specifically related to the event, clearly explaining the address, date, time, directions, etc (Google uses this for snippets). And remember to double check these details to make sure they are correct!
4) Have other related sites locally link to your website. You can ask your sponsors, radio stations, and anyone you advertise with) which basically tells Google “I’m here”. You also can go through all radio stations, tourism sites, local news sites and submit your event for free! Doing so will also have your event more visible on google. And don’t forget the power of listing your event on facebook in relevant groups. Depending on the nature of your event this may include: neighbourhood groups, mom groups, gardening groups etc and of course marketplace!
5) Use unique images and make sure the site loads quickly. Unique images are recognized by google, and also keep your audience intrigued! It’s so easy to create your own photos for free or use photos that your vendors submit to you!
6) #hashtag as much as possible! I can’t emphasize how important this step is to finding more customers or clients. If you are hosting a local trade show in Austin Texas for home and garden for example, hop onto instagram and each time you post content, use tags for anyone locally in the home and garden space. Examples #austinhomedecor #austinhomedesign #austinevents #austinrealtor #gardeningaustin #downtownaustin #tourismaustin
Do you see a theme with the examples above? They can be applied to any city or event! You can also search the relevant hashtags and follow any people or pages, plus their followers as well! You won’t believe all the new followers and clients you accrue this way! In fact I give real life examples of how I got more vendors for my event here!
7) Share the responsibility: Absolutely make sure that all of your vendors are also sharing the event on social media. Email vendors and ask if they would like posters or flyers to hand out. Send vendors an instagram or facebook poster template they can share and offer helpful hashtag ideas. If you have 50 vendors and they can each get 10 customers to your doors, thats an extra 500 people attending your event!
If you feel that you have done all of these steps but are not seeing the results, don’t panic! The vast majority of searches will be in the week of the event itself from ppl responding to radio posts, social media, poster campaigns, etc. Just be dilligent and exhaust all free advertising platforms in your city that you can think of! For more ideas you can check out my article on event engagement here for more ideas!
And finally, the most important “keyword” is just the event name itself! So hopefully you have a clear title to your event that tells people what it is! (I.E. Vintage Fair, Tea Festival, Home and Garden Show, Car show etc!).